Hey Stoopid, is the 19th studio album by Alice Cooper. The twelve-track album was released on July 2, 1991 with Peter Collins (Rush, Queensryche) producing the project.
In my opinion Hey Stoopid is a solid album but it tends to get overlooked or forgotten. It’s too bad it is better than most people give it credit for. It Definitely needs a little more appreciation.
Hey Stoopid had an uphill battle to resonate with the record buying public because it was released at the wrong time. The album was released on the threshold of the grunge rock revolution,so hard rock/a hair metal’s hold on radio and video stations was coming to an end.Also, Hey Stoopid was the follow-up to Trash, Cooper’s biggest commercial selling album in a decade. Even though the Trash album was a big hit for Cooper, his long-time fans were still reeling from the disappointment of the albums “calculated” slick pop-metal sound. So, with his long-time supporters not really getting on board with his commercial sound, and his new fan base being pulled into the grunge movement, Hey Stoopid fell between the cracks.
Granted,Hey Stoopid is still a commercial record , but it is heavier sounding and songwriting-wise, in my opinion was a step up From Trash. I thought that Cooper’s nineteenth studio record brought the best of the 80’s pop metal sound along with his signature Halloween spookiness and youthful dissociation. Highlights on Hey Stoopid; the melodic title track ; the atmospheric Wind Up Toy.the hard rocking; Feed My Frankenstein,the dirty,bluesy pseudo ballad; Love’s A Loaded Gun,and the 7 minute epic balled ;Might As Well Be On Mars. The only issue that I have with this album is that it does sound a bit dated. If only Alice Cooper would have recorded Hey Stoopid in the same stripped down/ garage roots style of 2003's superb The Eyes Of Alice Cooper and 2005’s Dirty Diamonds, the album would have been better received.
So, if you like Alice Cooper or simply like some good old time rock n' roll then look no further than Alice Cooper's nineteenth studio album, Hey Stoopid.