Monster Hunter is an upcoming military science fiction fantasy film produced, written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. It is loosely based on the video game series of the same name by Capcom. The film stars Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa, Tip "T. I." Harris, Meagan Good, Diego Boneta, Josh Helman, Jin Au-Yeung and Ron Perlman.
A film adaptation based on the series has been in conception since 2012 by director Paul W. S. Anderson. The film was formally announced by Capcom in October 2018, with production starting that month with Impact Pictures and Constantin Film. Principal photography on the film began on October 5, 2018, and was completed on December 19, 2018, in Cape Town, South Africa.
Monster Hunter is scheduled to be released in the United States on December 30, 2020 by Sony Pictures.
The trailer looks awesome. Check it out.