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Top 10 Well Written Rock Songs (Number 1: The World I Know - Collective Soul

Song Name: The World I Know

Band: Collective Soul

Album: Collective Soul

Genre: Post-Grunge, Rock, Alternative Rock

Release Date: March 14, 1995


Collective Soul is a band from Georgia. The band started in 1992 and are still active today. I really discovered this band through their self titled second album. I have not followed them much recently but they did release an album in 2015.

The first album named after the band (as they have another album of the same name in 2009), was a good rock album. I would not say that it is a particularly deep album. At least not when you put them in the same category as Pearl Jam or Nirvana. However they had a unique sound and the singer Ed Roland has a unique sounding voice.

The number 1 pick for this list is The World I Know from the Collective Soul (1995) album. The song is about a business man that is at wits end. He does not know what to do. So he goes out to the edge and looks at the people passing by. He is ready to commit suicide, but a pigeon lands on his arm and gives him a new perspective on life right before he decides to jump. He then proceeds to throw his money to the crowd watching him on the ledge.


Has our conscience shown? Has the sweet breeze blown? Has all the kindness gone? Hope still lingers on I drink myself of newfound pity Sitting alone in New York City And I don't know why

Are we listening Hymns of offering? Have we eyes to see That love is gathering? All the words that I've been reading Have now started the act of bleeding Into one, into one

So I walk up on high And I step to the edge To see my world below And I laugh at myself While the tears roll down 'Cause it's the world I know Oh it's the world I know

I drink myself of newfound pity Sitting alone in New York City And I don't know why, don't know why

So I walk up on high And I step to the edge To see my world below And I laugh at myself While the tears roll down 'Cause it's the world I know Oh it's the world I know

So I walk up on high And I step to the edge To see my world below And I laugh at myself While the tears roll down 'Cause it's the world I know Oh it's the world I know


I really love this song for its imagery. This could also be a result of the situation found in Fear which is number four on the countdown. Life has just become too much for this working man. He cannot take it anymore. The first time that I heard the song, it was not on the album but with the video. I always loved the video for the strong imagery that it brings. It literally brought the song to life.

What the video and song show us is that we are all on the edge but it does not take much to bring us back on track where life can be positive. Sometimes the simplest gestures can change things for the better.

The World I Know - Collective Soul


So there you have it, my Top 10 well written rock songs. I know that most of these were from the 90's and there is a good reason for that. This is when i went through some hard times and songs had a lasting impact on me at that time. There are other songs that are more recent that I like but these are the ones that I took a little something from everyday.

I am sure that there will be other Top 10's including a Part 2 of this particular list.

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