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Night Ranger is one of those bands that have been unfairly lumped into the “hair”/glam/metal groups of the 80’s, simply because their biggest hits were produced during that period. If one actually took the time to listen to their other songs and not just the power ballads like: Sister Christian, they would see that the band is more in line with the likes of Journey or Foreigner; just a more guitar driven version.

The band is celebrating 35 years of rock n’ rolling by dropping their 12the studio album, Don’t Let Up. This eleven track album has everything you’d expect from Night Ranger; twin shredding guitars, two great lead vocalists, and big catchy choruses. Night Ranger has managed to pull off what most of their contemporaries have not, by creating a hard rocking, melodic record that epitomizes the sounds of the 80’s but at the same time transcends it.

Don’t Let Up has a lot to offer, if you want rockers, there’s Running Out of Time, Day and Night and Somehow Someway. If you like mid tempos; you got the title track: Comfort Me and Truth. There is also the acoustic based: We Can Work It Out and the bluesy: Won’t Be Your Fool Again.

If you’re curious as to what Night Ranger is up to, then I urge you to pick up Don’t Let Up. This is just a fun album to listen to, made by a bunch of guys who live and breathe rock n roll.

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