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Black Star Riders: The Killer Instinct (2015)


Black Star Riders were formed 2012 when the latest incarnation of the Thin Lizzy band went in to the studio to record a new album. At the last minute the band changed its name to The Black Star Riders. Their new name was inspired from a group of outlaws in the 93’ film Tombstone. It allowed the band to stand on its own and not taint the good name of Thin Lizzy. The Gamble paid off, their debut cd ‘All Hell Breaks Loose’ was a smash. The album had a classic Thin Lizzy groove, mixed in with a hard rock sound of its own.

Now in 2015, the band returns with their sophomore release ‘The Killer Instinct’. All I can say is, WOW! Once again the band rocks hard! The Black Star Riders have found their own sound all the while keeping with the Thin Lizzy influence.

With ‘The Killer Instinct’, Black Star Riders have risen above all expectations and delivered another outstanding rock album, proving once again that rock is not dead and in fact can flourish.

This album is definitely going to be in heavy rotation for the next couple of months on my stereo and mp3. If you love rock n roll, do yourself a favour and add Black Star Riders to your collection. I am putting my money where my mouth is and predict that ‘The Killer Instinct’ will be on most critic’s top ten lists for one of the best rock albums of the year.


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